Let’s set a couple of rules before we go flying.
1. Get in and shut the Hell Up!
2. Sorry we don’t have inflight services.
3. Just kidding!
Let’s be serious now, non-pilot passenger briefings are extremely important & you should provide more details, much like the airline safety briefing Flight Attendants give us. However, of course, passenger pilots do not require such a detailed briefing.
Here is another useful acronym: Yes! Another acronym, you can follow. It is SAFETY, as follows:
S - Seat belts & seats: how the seat belts operate and how to move the seats forward & aft.
A - Air vents: how to move them and open and close them. Go idea to let or passengers know they can be especially used if someone gets motion sickness.
F - Fire extinguisher & emergency equipment: very gently brief them on what to do IF, something goes wrong, explain tools that you have on board to put them at ease.
E - Exits & evacuation plans: how to operate the doors & windows, where to meet if you need to evacuate the plane. Any other additional emergency scenarios to discuss.
T - Talking & traffic: if you see something outside, say something! Let your friends know that they should help you spot traffic. This next one is very important, sterile cockpit. Let them know the meaning of a sterile cockpit & when it is needed (takeoffs, landings and heavy traffic or ATC communication areas).
Y - Your questions: maybe you missed something! Do not be afraid to answer any questions from your passengers.
This is a very good acronym and briefing to add to your walk around preflight.
Remember: your preflight covers a lot of items that are required by the FAR before every flight. Never, ever rush your preflight or cut corners during the walk around portion of the preflight. If it takes 30 minutes or more because you are discussing and answering questions from your passengers, so be it.
Always have fun!